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Publication conditions

All articles (with application) should be sent to the e-mail address of the editorial scienceph@mail.ru

The content of the article should correspond to the subject of the journal, it can be sent in Russian, English, German or Spanish. The text uniqueness should not be less than 80 %. The article should be issued according to the requirements of the journal.

The author is responsible for the uniqueness of his work. The article should contain all references to the cited authors and/or publications provided by the current legislation on copyright.

The minimum volume of the article should be from 5 pages.

The cost of 1 page is 390 rubles. The publication cost includes: checking the article for plagiarism, reviewing, editorial processing of the article, translation into English of the article title, author's name (-s), abstract and keywords, layout of the journal, publication on the website (in Archives) in open access, distribution of required copies, author's copy of the scientific journal (in pdf-format) with the published article. The printed version of the journal is paid additionally, the cost of 1 copy is 2900 rubles (including sending).

Payment is made after the editorial receives a positive review of the article. In case of the article is accepted, receipt with Publishing House requisites will be sent via e-mail.

All articles posted on the website are in open access and can be used for citation, copying, printing and other non-commercial use in compliance with copyright.

Assistance in translation of the whole article in English or German is possible. Conditions of it are discussed in advance. Complete translation of the article is done on a paid basis, 1 page (1800 signs) – 600 rubles.

There is discount 15 % for authors who have already published the works in the journal «Science and world».