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Editorial ethics

The Editorial Board is guided by the ethical standards adopted by the international scientific community, strives to comply with ethical standards at all stages of the editorial and publishing process, following the recommendations of organizations such as the International Committee on Publication Ethics – COPE (http://publicationethics.org/about), European Association of Science Editors – EASE (http://www.ease.org.uk), as well as the Committee on Ethics of Scientific Publications (http://publicet.org/code), Association of Science Editors and Publishers – ASEP (http://rasep.ru/).

The Ethical Rules of the journal should be followed by authors, members of the Editorial Board/Staff, reviewers, editorial team, as well as all participants in the process of publishing information submitted by the journal.

Editors' responsibilities

Decision for publication. The editorial makes a decision on the publication of the submitted articles on the basis of verification of the work accuracy and its importance for researchers and readers, its originality and clarity of presentation, novelty and compliance with the profile of the journal, as well as taking into account the current legislation in the field of libel, copyright and plagiarism.

Justice. The editorial evaluates the intellectual content of articles regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, citizenship, origin or political views of the authors.

Privacy Policy. The head editor and all the editorial staff have no right to disclose information about the submitted manuscript to anyone else, except the author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial consultants and, if necessary, the publisher.

Disclosure policy and conflict of interest.

– Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts may not be used in personal research without the written permission of the Author.
– The information obtained during the review should be kept confidential and not used for personal benefit.
– Editors should recuse themselves from reviewing manuscripts (in particular, request a Co-editor, Assistant Editor, or collaborate with other members of the Editorial Board in reviewing the work instead of reviewing and deciding on the work themselves) in case of conflicts of interest arising from competitive, collaborative, or other interactions and relationships with Authors, companies, and possibly other organizations associated with the manuscript.
– The editor should require the authors to provide an information about the conflict of interest and publish corrections, if there are any after publication.
– The editor undertakes to ensure compliance with the procedures of reviewing articles. Works are allowed for publication purely on the basis of their academic value, and not for commercial reasons.

Consideration of ethical complaints. The editor, together with the publisher, shall take reasonably prompt action when complaints of an ethical nature concerning the manuscripts or published materials are received.

Citation of the journal. Editors should not force authors to cite the scientific journal in which the work is published. Any recommendations for citing works should be based on their scientific significance and aim to improve the presented material.

Reviewers' responsibilities

The influence of the Editorial Board on the decisions. The review procedure helps the editor and the editorial board in making editorial decisions, and can also help the author to improve the quality of his/her work. The publisher shares the view that all researchers wishing to publish their articles can participate in the peer review.

Duty performance. Any Reviewer who considers his/her qualification to be insufficient for the consideration of the manuscript or who does not have enough time for the rapid execution of the work should notify the editor and refuse to review the manuscript.

Privacy Policy. Any manuscript received for review must be approached as confidential document. This work should not be opened and discussed with any persons who do not have the authority from the Editor.

Objectivity standards. The reviewer is obliged to give an unbiased evaluation. The author’s personal criticism is unacceptable. Reviewers should clearly and reasonably express their opinion.

Recognition of primary sources. Reviewer has to reveal cases when in the published work the materials which are not specified in the bibliography to the manuscript are used. Any observations, conclusions or arguments taken from other publications should be presented as citations with a bibliographic reference. The reviewer should also draw the Editor's attention to any substantial similarity or overlap between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper of which in the sphere of the scientific competence of the Reviewer.

Disclosure policy and conflict of interest. Unpublished data contained in the submitted work are not subject to disclosure and can not be used in the reviewer's research without written permission of the author. The reviewer should refuse to consider the submitted work if there is a conflict of interest due to competition, cooperation or other relations with the authors and organizations associated with the submitted manuscript.

Authors' responsibilities

Requirements for the manuscript. The authors of works containing the results of original researches should provide reliable results of the executed work. The data underlying the work must be presented correctly. The work should contain enough details and bibliographic references for possible reproduction. Fraudulent or knowingly inaccurate statements constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable. Manuscripts should be objective and contain reliable information.

Data access and its storage. Authors may be asked to provide the initial data of their research for editorial consideration. Authors should be willing to provide open access to this information, if practicable, and in any case be willing to retain this data for at least ten years after publication, provided that the information is kept confidential.

Originality and plagiarism. Authors should ensure that they submit completely original works. In case of using the works or statements of other authors, the relevant bibliographic references should be provided. Plagiarism can exist in many forms, from the presentation of someone else's work as their own to copy or paraphrasing essential parts of someone else's work (without reference to the source) and to the statement of their own rights to the results of someone else's research. Plagiarism in all forms constitutes unethical publishing behavior and is unacceptable.

Multiplicity, duplication and contemporaneity of publications. Submitting the same manuscript as an original publication to more than one journal at a time is unethical and unacceptable. When submitting a work for consideration, the author reserves the rights to the published material.

Recognition of primary sources. The work of other researchers must always be recognized. Authors should refer to publications that have influenced the content of the submitted manuscript. The information obtained from confidential sources should not be used without the written permission of the Authors of the work relating to confidential sources.

Authorship of the publication. The authors of the publication can be only those persons who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the idea of the work, development, execution or interpretation of the presented research. All those who have made a significant contribution to the work should be presented as co-authors of the article. The author of the manuscript must ensure that the list of co-authors includes all participants who have made a significant contribution to the study, and must make sure that all co-authors have agreed on the final version of the article. The work is in open access; all rights are reserved.

Disclosure policy and conflict of interest. The authors of articles should declare any financial or other conflicts of interest that may be perceived as having an impact on the results of the study. All sources of financial support for the project should be identified.

Significant errors in published works. When the author finds a significant error or inaccuracy in the publication, he/she should promptly report it to the editor of the journal for the purpose of early withdrawing of the publication or correction of errors. If the editor has received information from a third party that the work contains significant errors, the author should withdraw the work or correct the errors as soon as possible, or provide the head editor evidence of the correctness of the published work.

Plagiarism detection. The editorial undertakes to assist the scientific community in all aspects of the implementation of the policy on publishing ethics.