International Conferences
International Scientific Conferences
XIX International Scientific Conference THE TIME OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS
We invite scientists and educators, doctoral students, postgraduates, students, young scientists, everyone interested in the development of science to take part in the creation of an intellectual platform for the exchange of practical and theoretical knowledge, research results, scientific discoveries.
The conference will be held in correspondence form in October 2024.
The venue of the conference and the publication of the collected book is Volgograd.
Conference collections are hosted on eLibrary.RU
Materials are accepted until September 30, 2024.
The electronic version will be published on the website the second half of October 2024.
Distribution of printed collected books to authors the first half of November 2024.
Following the results of the conference, a collection of articles will be published with the assignment of all the necessary registration data to the ISBN, UDC, BBK.
The registration fee for participation and publication of an article is 390 rubles per 1 page.
A printed copy of the collected book (including shipping) – 2900 rubles.
There is 15% discount for regular authors!
The conference is aimed at creating conditions for the exchange of the results of the latest research between representatives of domestic and foreign scientific communities. For this purpose, the editorial office of the publishing house accepts author's materials in three languages – Russian, English and Spanish.
By organizing the international scientific conference "THE TIME OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS", the publishing house "Научное обозрение" seeks to combine research materials of authors of various fields of science and culture on the pages of one publication.
We are trying to create a voluminous, multifaceted picture of the current state and ways of further development of scientific knowledge in Russia and abroad.
Conference sections:
- physical and mathematical sciences
- chemical sciences
- biological sciences
- technical sciences
- agricultural sciences
- historical sciences and archeology
- economic sciences
- philosophical sciences
- philological sciences
- jurisprudence
- pedagogical sciences
- medical sciences
- art study
- psychological sciences
- social sciences
- political science
- cultural studies
- earth sciences
Materials for publication (and application) should be sent by e-mail to the responsible editor: sciconf@mail.ru
Along with the article, the author must send an requisition in the following form:
1. Full name, surname, patronymic
2. Place of study, work
3. Current position, academic degree
4. Contact phone number, email address
5. Title of the published work
6. Category
7. Postal address (required with zip code) and full name of the recipient
8. Required number of printed copies
9. Has your article previously been published in the collection of scientific works on the materials of the International Conference THE TIME OF SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS (if so, please indicate the issue number).